Friday, April 13, 2012

Cozy Sleep

Thursday, April 12, 2012


So a couple of weeks ago I read about Hynobabies, a course that teaches self hypnosis for child birth.  I decided to look into it some more and found it very interesting!  There were so many great reviews for it on Amazon, on websites, and some really amazing videos on youtube.   I've been following the course for 11 days now.  I started on Class #3 today because I'm doing a condensed study by spending only 5 days on each class instead of 7.  Hynobabies creates a positive outlook on childbirth.  It reprograms you to realize that it is natural and healthy part of life and not something to be fearfull about.  Because when you're afraid you can tense up and cause pain.  It doesn't have to be painful and that is what Hypnobabies helps with.  I'm really excited and looking forward to learning all the tools that there are to learn and using it during my birthing time.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

32 weeks 3 days

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Crib! :)

Derek put the crib together today. :)  Look how pretty it is! 
Betty checking out Derek's handy work.